What a Dental Cleaning Involves

What a Dental Cleaning Involves

Consistent professional teeth cleanings are an essential part of maintaining great oral health.  When you see your dental hygienist, he or she is doing much more than just brushing your teeth for you.  The benefits of professional teeth cleanings include a reduced risk for dental diseases and improvement of bad breath.  The cleaning also removes surface stains to uncover brighter and whiter teeth underneath.  Continue reading What a Dental Cleaning Involves

What Kind of Toothbrush Should I Use?

What Kind of Toothbrush Should I Use?

Never before have we had such a vast selection of toothbrushes to choose from. Not only are our pharmacy and grocery store shelves packed with different options; we also have online markets offering countless toothbrushes of all shapes and sizes. Most toothbrushes use specific marketing claims to attract prospective buyers. While we will not endorse or recommend any specific brands or models, we want to give you a few good principles to follow when purchasing a toothbrush. Continue reading What Kind of Toothbrush Should I Use?