The Best Dental Christmas Gifts

Dental Christmas gifts?  Is that even a thing?  Well, we think so.  From stocking stuffers to splurges, these are great gift ideas for that hard-to-buy-for person.  Not only will you be gifting something they might not buy for themselves; you’ll be contributing to great oral health, and that’s priceless!


Most oral care products are very inexpensive.  You even get them for free from your dentist.  However, don’t let that fool you into thinking they are not valuable.  All oral hygiene tools are extremely valuable . . . when you use them.  These splurges that we list are exceptional products designed to make oral care simpler and better!

Electric Toothbrush

The range of electric toothbrushes available for purchase is wider than ever before.  It can be tough to decide which ones are worth the extra expense.  There are electric toothbrushes for as little as $15 and as much as $200.  How do know which to get?

In general, we can confidently say that there is a difference in the quality of the toothbrush up to about $65.  Above that, the additional expense is for advanced features instead of a higher quality toothbrush.

Here are a few of our favorites:

Boka Electric Toothbrush with Charcoal Bristles – This toothbrush is exceptional for people with sensitive teeth!

Philips Sonicare – The Sonicare is the gold standard of electric toothbrushes.  They have many models with different features.  You can’t go wrong with a Sonicare.

Oral B – The Oral B brand of electric toothbrushes is a close second to Sonicare in terms of dependability and technology.  They also have a variety of models and styles.  We like the Oral B Sonic Complete!

Electric toothbrushes are a wonderful gift because they truly do improve oral health.  They help remove dental plaque more effectively and consistently than manual toothbrushes do.  We recommend one of the lower-end models for children of all ages!

Teeth Whitening Kits

We’ve never met a person who didn’t want whiter teeth.  Teeth whitening is a booming business, and there are several kits available over-the-counter that produce great whitening results.

Crest White Strips are always a safe bet.  They combine a powerful active ingredient with an easy application method.  Another reliable whitening strip brand is Fairywill, at a slightly lower price point.

We recommend, in your teeth whitening shopping, that you avoid gimmicks like expensive lights.  These cost quite a bit more, but they do not provide a better overall result.  You should also stay away from whitening kits claiming to be “peroxide-free”.  Peroxide chemicals in teeth whitening are perfectly safe, and they are the only ingredients proven to penetrate enamel and actually change the color of the teeth.  Without it, there is no true whitening occurring.

Water Flosser

A water flosser is not a substitute for regular floss.  But we know many people will not floss, so we’ll take this as the second best option.  Most people are familiar with the brand WaterPik.  A water flosser blasts away food debris and plaque by using a pressurized, focused water spray.  It’s like a power washer for your teeth. 

If your kid has braces, he or she needs a water flosser. 

Stocking Stuffers

Do you and your loved ones already have those nifty dental gadgets and pearly white teeth?  Maybe you just need a few great dental stocking stuffers.  Here are our favorites!

Fun Floss

Take your smile on vacation with CocoFloss!  With great tropical scents and a fibrous texture, flossing is actually fun.  CocoFloss is particularly great for people with gum recession, small gaps between the teeth, or areas where food is constantly packed.  It’s not so great for people with teeth that are severely crowded or tightly pressed together.  For those, we recommend a smooth, slippery floss like Satin Floss.

Deluxe Chapstick

In the cold, dry winter months, most people experience chapped lips.  Chapstick prevents cracks and flaking, keeping the lips moisturized.  Chapstick may also contain sun protectants (SPF) that help prevent skin cancer.  Squamous cell carcinoma occurs frequently on the lower lip among people who spend a lot of time in the sun.  Using a chapstick with SPF 15 or higher is essential!

Chapstick brand and Blistex both make great varieties of scents with sun protection.

Need Dental Treatment for Christmas?

Instead of an oral hygiene helper, maybe you need some dental work.  Let us help you finish necessary dental treatment so that you can go into the new year with a healthy smile!  Call Prosper Family Dentistry at 972-347-1145 today to schedule a consultation with Dr. Jill, Dr. Cara, or Dr. Summer.

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